3 By Marketing Hyprevention In NewsPosted 11/10/2021Breast Cancer Awareness MonthBreast Cancer Awareness Month ! Prevention through screening is essential! Thank you to the researchers and laboratories who offer even more effective protocols and treatments! READ MORE
17 By Marketing Hyprevention In NewsPosted 27/04/2020Article by ORTHOWORLD about V-STRUT©Following the FDA clearance for V-STRUT©, ORTHOWORLD published an article on our transpedicular vertebral system, available on the link below. Enjoy the reading ! Hyprevention Receives FDA [...] READ MORE
17 By Marketing Hyprevention In NewsPosted 10/03/2020FDA clearance for V-STRUT© !Hyprevention is proud to announce FDA clearance for V-STRUT© Vertebral System ! https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfpmn/pmn.cfm?ID=K191709 READ MORE